Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to Post a Comment to This Blog

Hello all!  I would love to get feedback from you and know that most of you who try to post a comment can't.  I am not sure why that is happening.  Please feel free to write me at my email address:

The easiest way to post a comment is:  Click on Post Comment, comment box pops up,  write a comment, make sure you sign in in the next box and hit Post Comment again.  It should work like this:

1.)  Click on Post Comment (write comment in box)
2.)  Under "Comment as", scroll down to Name/URL and click on it
3.)  I type in my initials (you can type in your name or be anonymous if you choose)
4.)  I ignore the URL section and click on Continue
5.)  Then I click on Post Comment and voila!  The comment is posted.

  Hope to hear from you!  Until later, happy and healthy eating! 


  1. Stacy, I love all the blogs. The nutrition information is so helpful, and has really started me re-thinking some of my food choices. I think the spirituality aspect is great as well, epecially as Lent approaches. I can always use more thought about prayer.

  2. Thanks so much! I really appreciate your feedback. If you have any specific nutrition questions, that's what I'm here for. Best of luck to you...

  3. Ok, let's see if I can follow instructions!! I love your last post about prayer to help with eating properly.

  4. It worked, Rebecca! I am so glad you liked the last post about prayer. Thanks!

  5. Yeah! Thanks for figuring out the comments posting issue! Your blog continues to inspire me to eat well and not over eat. And with the recipes and the gearing up for Lent, I am encouraged every day.

  6. Ah oh...happy National Nutrition Month according to the ADA.

  7. Way to go, Patricia! You don't know how happy I am to hear how well you are doing. And, if I have had anything to do with it, what an encouraging blessing!
    As for its being National Nutrition Month, that explains a lot - like the daily news features from Men's Health magazine!

  8. Wow, I just saw this blog. Cool!

  9. Hope you'll keep reading it, Anna. All the best to you!

  10. it really interest me about the content of your .thanks a lot for sharing it..\

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  11. The nutrition information is so helpful, and has really started me re-thinking some of my food choices.
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