Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yikes! Not The Flu!

Well, it looks like I have come down with the flu.  Nasty thing, the flu is.  Fever, body aches, food not staying where it should after you eat it - you get the picture.  I have spent the better part of my day watching Season II episodes of Smallville under my quilt on the couch.  Could be worse, I suppose.

I wasn't going to post today, but decided to remind anyone out there who may also be under the weather, that it's true what they say - you need to make sure you stay hydrated.  And the "BRAT" diet works wonders if your tummy is off - that's Banana, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast.  I also add Broth and Green Tea to that mix.  More fluids, plus extra antioxidants and a little protein, too.   

During flu season it is wise to make sure you eat well.  Load up on those antioxidants and take extra vitamin C.  There's a good product out there called Emergen-C that I used to use faithfully (and will add back to my repertoire).  It's a powder that comes in little packets that you mix with water.  The one I recommend for women is Emergen-C Bone Health.  It contains 500 mgs. of Vitamin C and 250 mgs. of Calcium per packet.  And remember to make sure you are getting enough sleep (this is where I know I missed the boat this month).

Well, enough flu talk.  Time to get back to my quilt, green tea, and Smallville.  Martha Kent is pregnant (what's that about?) and Lex Luther is engaged (Huh?) - none of this was in the comic books I read, but I love it!!
As always, happy and healthy eating - and please stay well!

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