Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Succeed In The Business of Eating Without (Really) Trying

Most "diets" out there fail because they are either unbalanced (leaving you with food cravings and going back to old habits as soon as you stop them), too restrictive (leaving you feeling run-down), too expensive (forcing most people to give them up after a while), or a combination of these factors.  When I said that the only way to lose weight is to cut calories, I meant it.  Think of the other things I have been talking about as a bonus - like eathing 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, eating whole grains, cutting down on fats, making sure you are getting enough calcium, etc.   If your goal is to drop even a few pounds, you need to COUNT CALORIES.  And the way to do that is by keeping a food diary.  Yeah, I know. I've said it before, but I keep hearing excuses for not doing so.  Food diaries keep you accountable, but also help you to figure out what works for you diet-wise, as well as helping you to identify problem areas or pitfalls.

Besides the all-important calorie-counting food diary, there are a few other simple things you can do to help you lose weight or to simply eat healthier.  First of all, give up grazing (plan on eating 3 meals a day with one snack when you need that mid-day energy boost).  Plus, when you eat, sit down and take your time.  Make each meal an event.

You need to be ready to deal with the unexpected.  Either be prepared to say "no" to the birthday cake at the office party, or plan on eating it and compensate for it by cutting calories somewhere else either that day or the next.  (Again, it is important to count those calories).

You should also make it a hassle to "cheat".  Don't leave tempting snacks out where you can easily get to them.  If there are people in your house who eat them, wrap them up and put them away.  Better yet, don't buy such foods and get everyone to just eat more of the healthy stuff.

Lastly, find healthy outlets for your emotions.  We talked a while back about emotional eating.  When your emotions get the best of you and food seems like the only source of comfort, take some deep breaths, call a friend, take a walk, or soak in the tub.

I think a lot of the time we "fail" because we make eating healthy way too complicated.  Write down what you eat (it keeps you accountable), count those calories (you'd be surprised how quickly they add up), eat with a purpose, make cheating a hassle, and don't let your emotions get the best of you.  That's it. folks!

Until next time, happy and healthy eating! 

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