Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Calculating Your Body Mass Index (or BMI)

BMI is a mass to body ratio that is a starting point in determining whether or not you are actually overweight for your height.  As a nutritionist, it is one of 5 tools I use to help someone determine their weight goal.  Your results will fall into one of the following categories:

               Under 25 - normal weight
               25 to 29   - overweight
               30 and Above - obese

Here's how to calculate your BMI: 
1.)  Multiply your weight in pounds by 703 
2.)  Convert your height to inches and multiply that number by itself
3.)  Divide the answer to # 1 by the answer to #2

And voila!  You've calculated your BMI.  Note that very muscular people, like my husband, might clock in as "overweight" when they actually aren't.  It's true that muscle weighs more than fat...


  1. Here's an online BMI calculator!

    You can even download an iPhone app. :)

  2. Thanks for sending this! Gosh! We can do everything online, can't we?
