Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wanted: Comments on Blog

I realize that there are a lot of you who are still trying to post comments to my Blog and are not able to, so I had my husband try to see what happens when he follows the directions I gave you all back in March.  He got some prompts that were a bit different than the ones I get, so, if you have been trying to post a comment and can't,  maybe this will help you:

1.)  If you don't see a comment box below the post, click on where it says "0 comments" or "1 comment", or whatever the number may be.  This will take you to the comment box. 

2.)  When you see a comment box, type your comment in the box.

3.)  At the bottom of the box, where you see "Comment as",  click on Select Profile.

4.)  Highlight and click on Name/URL

5. )  You can type in your name or be anonymous if you choose

6.)   Ignore the URL section and click on Continue 

7.)  Then click on Post Comment and it will ask you to type what you see in a box on the screen.  This will prevent automated spam to be posted.  Then push Post Comment and you're done.

Sorry this is so complicated!   But I hope it helps, and I hope to hear from you.   God bless!!

1 comment:

  1. Just checking that I can comment. Testing, testing. 1,2,3.
