Yes, Jeremy Lin did get me drunk. Let me explain. The other night my husband and I sat down to watch the new basketball sensation along with the until-then-nowhere-on-my-radar-screen New York Knicks battle the L.A. Lakers. I had never seen Lin play before, but had watched Youtube videos of him earlier in the day and he had piqued my curiosity. So my husband and I sat down to watch the game and decided to make it interesting. I mean, we were home alone, we had a new sports figure to get excited about, and a bottle of Whipped Cream flavored vodka just sitting on the counter. A dangerous combination... We decided, in our brilliant state of mind, to take a sip of this sweet luscious libation every time Lin scored a basket. Just a sip, mind you. Sounds pretty harmless, right? Well, 38 points later, I was, ahem, a little unsteady on my feet. By the 28th point, we were laughing hysterically at the amazing evening this young man was having, as well as at anything else that moved, breathed, or popped into our heads. Congratulations to yet another fine example of a gentleman/athlete. We love you, man! But next time I think I'll stick to water, herbal tea, or lemonade. You're just way too good for Vodka...
BTW, the nutritional components of Smirnoff Whipping Cream Vodka are 69 calories per ounce. That's it. No carbohydrates, fat, protein, or anything else good (or bad) for you. Do I recommend it as a part of your daily diet? No! Like the antics on "America's Funniest Home Videos", this was a "see, but do not do" event.
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